Golden Hoof Plus



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Golden Hoof is the UK’s leading veterinary licenced zinc sulphate footbath, fully tested in extensive field trials for proven efficacy. Golden Hoof is now licenced to contain zinc hexahydrate, the best and most efficient zinc preparation with considerably improved zinc content. Lethal to footrot bacteria, Golden Hoof penetrates ovine hoof horn more readily than other antibacterial agents.

Amounts to be administered and administration route

The product should be mixed with water to provide a 10% (w/v) solution for topical application as a footbath (1kg powder / 10 litres in water). The volume of water required to provide sufficient depth to allow complete immersion of the feet should be determined and the corresponding quantity of the product used.

All animals in a group should be treated.

Badly infected feet should be sparingly and carefully pared to expose infected tissue before footbathing. Paring equipment should be disinfected between each animal being treated.

For maintenance treatment at times of high risk and for the treatment of footscald sheep should stand in the footbath solution for a minimum of 2 minutes.

For the treatment of footrot separate out infected animals and stand in the solution for up to 30 minutes.

Animals should be allowed sufficient time (minimum of 15 minutes) for drying, on concrete or grating, before returning to grass (preferably rested from sheep for at least two weeks)

Repeat treatment at 7 day intervals to bring the infection under control (minimum of three weeks) and thereafter at 1 – 2 weeks intervals during period when infection is likely to spread.

If treatment with the product should fail, then it is advisable to reconsider the cause of the condition, especially if Contagious Ovine Digital Dermatitis could be a complicating factor.

Withdrawal periods
Meat: 0 days
Milk: 0 hours

Use during pregnancy, lactation or lay
No adverse effects from use during pregnancy and lactation.